Monday, April 27, 2009

I say goodbye and you say hello

Okay, folks, don't get alarmed, but we are now officially members of a cult, the Hello Kitty cult. How could this have possibly happened? I don't quite understand. This pink atrocity of an animal has been around for years (if it were a real cat it would've been dead by now and buried to loud cheers of parents forced and manipulated into making regular monetary contributions to this cult). I remember being in my teens when I learned about Hello Kitty and that my friends' kids were into it. Right then and there I solemnly swore that I would not be a part to this rip off and my kids would not make me buy them this overpriced - what's the word, the printable word - garbage. I also hoped by the time I would have kids, the craze would be over. I was wrong on both counts, so hello, hello, stupid (Mom, that's a bad word) kitty.

The slope downward started when we went to Target and they had coloring and activity Hello Kitty books on sale, just a buck. I owed DD a prize for something, so a $1 book seemed like a bargain. Well, bargain my behind! It was a trap, TRAP!!! Once DD realized that she can get this stuff, stuff that I resisted to buy for months, she started begging for stickers, pencils, etc every time she saw them. Last Sunday my resistance was once again broken and I have been suckered into buying Hello Kitty stickers. And so it starts. I still hope to win this, but deep down I know I can win a battle or two, but the war is lost, and we will be bringing forth $$$ sacrifices and offerings to this feline from this day on.

Does anyone know if there are Hello, Bitch stickers? Would they help with our kitty situation?



    That cat has been annoying me for decades, and I just can't, can't, can't fathom the fascination. It's not cute, it's not pretty, it's just bland, bland, the Barney of school supplies.

    I want IN on those stickers!

  2. OK, ladies, just produce something through the; it's really easy, and you can have it in any product,not just stickers.
    Sub, thanks for the hint: now I know what to get you for your next Birthday; 42nd street, here we are again:)

  3. You 2 are baka gaijin, that's why you think it's not cute.

    Hello Kitty was born in 1974 and it will never, ever, ever, ever die.

    Cats live on average 20 years and cats have 9 lives. This cat will live at least 180 years. Should it ever die, it will return as the Hello Zombie Kitty and will proceed to infect all human life on the planet.

  4. OMG! It's all over again, Japanese vs US. We all remember how the last one ended, don't we?

    On the subject of finding this cat cute, this has got to be the first one coming from an ADULT MALE. I'll ask DD to share her stickers with you.


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